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So this is what you need to do: risk it. Be truthful you want to date him and that the FWB arrangement is no longer working.

So this is what you need to do: risk it. Be truthful you want to date him and that the FWB arrangement is no longer working.

If he gives you grief about this–and he probably will, based on what you’re saying here–remember that you’re seeing his true colors with him that. This isn’t a great guy, because a great guy will not cause you to feel shitty regarding the needs.

Honestly, in just about every arrangement similar to this i have ever seen, the unavoidable often does occur: the lady asks once or twice for something more, the guy rebuffs her, the woman goes along she doesn’t want to give up what she has, which is better than nothing–and then a few weeks or months down the line, he sees a girl he wants to actually date and the first girl gets hurt with it because. Continue reading So this is what you need to do: risk it. Be truthful you want to date him and that the FWB arrangement is no longer working.