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VHA provides care to a population that is diverse of, including females and LGBT veterans.

VHA provides care to a population that is diverse of, including females and LGBT veterans.

Better Data had a need to measure the ongoing Health Outcomes of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Veterans

GAO-21-69: Published: Oct 19, 2020. Publicly Released: Oct 19, 2020.


Office of Public Affairs (202) 512-4800

Veterans Affairs scientists are finding that LGBT veterans may go through greater prices of despair and much more regular ideas of committing committing suicide. Yet the VA can not methodically evaluate the fitness of these veterans since it does not regularly gather information on intimate orientation or self-identified gender identification. As an example, in accordance with the VA, 89% of veterans’ records lack sex identity information. Continue reading VHA provides care to a population that is diverse of, including females and LGBT veterans.