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Attorney General Becerra Condemns OCC Proposal to start the Floodgates for Predatory Lending and Rent-a-Bank Schemes

Attorney General Becerra Condemns OCC Proposal to start the Floodgates for Predatory Lending and Rent-a-Bank Schemes

SACRAMENTOР’ “ California Attorney General Xavier Becerra today, joining a coalition of 24 solicitors basic, presented a remark page opposing any office regarding the Comptroller regarding the Currency в„ўs (OCC) proposed True Lender Сњ Rule (Proposed Rule). This ruleР’ would permit predatory financing byР’ enabling non-bankР’ loan providers to disregard state interest-rate caps on consumerР’ loansР’ simply by partnering with nationalР’ banking institutions, whichР’ areР’ exemptР’ under federal legislationР’ from state interest-rate caps.Р’ TheseР’ partnershipsР’ areР’ referred to as “rent-a-bank”Р’ schemesР’ plus the OCC’s Proposed Rule would makeР’ themР’ legal.Р’

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