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Why am we upset 6 days after breakup?

Why am we upset 6 days after breakup?

Home › on the web forum › Gingerbread Forum › Why am I upset 6 months after breakup?

  • This topic has 7 replies, 8 sounds, and had been final updated a couple of months, 1 ago by GingerbreadJustine week .

Hi, simply wondering if anybody could have connection with this. We split up after 20 years together 6 weeks hence and I’ve been fine it was a long time coming and I have accepted the marriage is over but suddenly the last 3 days I started feeling down about it. I experienced this concept he had been seeing someone new therefore I called and asked him when I ended up being experiencing actually anxious, anyhow there’s no one brand new but just can’t shake this feeling of sadness . Continue reading Why am we upset 6 days after breakup?