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HomeworkMarket Me – Rafał Trzaskowski makes decisions about different wording than in the election campaign and instead pursue the major social projects and investment to the rank of the most important unfulfilled promises grows with the signing of the card LGBT +” – said the councilor.

The Russian Foreign Ministry reiterated that NATO enlargement is not conducive to the strengthening of trust and stability in international relations “- marked the Polish media correspondent in Moscow Waclaw Radziwonowicz. At the same time, one of the most widely read newspapers in Moscow, “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” wrote about Russophobia new NATO countries and their alleged pressures on the preparation of the Headquarters of the Alliance plan of aggression against Russia. Russian government media campaign intensified after March 24, when the planes of NATO countries launched an attack on military targets in Yugoslavia pro-Russian. The aim was to persuade the Serbs to sign the agreement on Kosovo and stop the persecution of Albanian residents of this province. Poland unequivocally supported the operation “Allied Force”, including in humanitarian aid for the refugees, and after the air raids exposing eight hundred soldiers and officers to the contingent of KFOR stabilization force. Joining NATO does not mean that Poland has fulfilled the requirements set during the negotiations. Most difficulties made to meet the standards of protection in force in the mystery of the Alliance; were problems with English at the officers; Installation “IFF” lasted, when Poland already belonged to the Covenant, also delayed the requirement playback combat readiness of airports. Economic problems have delayed the beginning of the XXI century the exchange of post-Soviet military equipment. One of the few pulses modernization were the missions in Afghanistan and Iraq and the unprecedented post-Cold War international situation after the exacerbation of the crisis and the outbreak of the Crimean War in the east of Ukraine. The integration of the three countries of Central Europe was the beginning of a long process of NATO enlargement to the countries of the former communist bloc countries and which built its independence after the collapse of the USSR and Yugoslavia. In 2004. NATO structures were Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Five years later, Albania and Croatia, and in 2017. Montenegro. Thirty-state NATO will be North Macedonia, which in February 2019. Signed an accession protocol. My message to the prime minister Theresa May: EU position is clear and consistent. Agreement on the exit is not open to renegotiation. Yesterday we learned what the United Kingdom does not want to. But I still do not know what the UK wants – Tusk wrote on Twitter. On Tuesday night British MPs adopted two amendments to the resolution on brexitu, suggesting the need to find an alternative to a negotiated by Theresa May, the government’s controversial emergency mechanism for Northern Ireland (backstop) and indicating at the same time the opposition to the script out of the EU without agreement. In response, announced May attempt to renegotiate the agreement out of UE.Rzecznik Tusk already immediately after the vote gave a statement to the media on behalf of the other 27 Member States, which emphasized that the agreement ws. Brexitu, including the backstop, which is part of it, “not subject to renegotiation “.Also Barnier said on Wednesday that there is not enough time to find alternative mechanism for the settlement of emergency for Northern Ireland, and stressed that” divorce agreement “Britain and the European Union will not be renegotiated.” Sami talked about the so-called . alternative solutions that could prevent the return of a hard boundary (between Northern Ireland and Ireland). Except that no one, on either side, he was unable to say what solutions would be needed to ensure control of goods, animals (…) without the existence of the border “- Barnier told French radio RTL. “We have neither the time nor the technology” – dodał.zobacz also Corbyn May and talked about the exit from the impasse ws. Brexitu »Emergency Mechanism (ang. Backstop) for Northern Ireland assumed that in the absence of an agreement with the EU would be forced to United Kingdom to remain in the customs union and the common elements of the EU market. It also makes could lead to the creation of the so-called. regulatory boundaries between Britain and entering in its composition Ireland Północną.Alternatywnym solution is to return a hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland, which would have serious consequences for the economy of both countries and could threaten the fragile peace process on the island. Rafał Trzaskowski summed up the first 100 days of his presidency at a press conference. “100 days behind us, but still ahead of us in 1726,” – he said opening the meeting with the president of the media capital. “In 100 days, and here I have to disappoint some, it is impossible to realize all your program, and can start these activities, which are the most important ones that promised cooperation with the Civic Coalition” – he added. Trzaskowski divided his summary of the sections. Speaking of education, he said that currently in Warsaw created 15 new primary schools for 10 thousand. students, and a few days the city will sign an agreement for the construction of the next two. He also mentioned that in March launched a pilot program financing of additional activities in the four districts. Also in March, the school will be sent 15 million zł, so that students could benefit from the fund of 100 zł per year for each student for example. To the cinema. He also said that at the March session, the Council of Warsaw has addressed increases for teachers. Speaking of nurseries said that from September 2019. All the nurseries will be free. He acknowledged the fact that it is necessary to accelerate the construction of nurseries. “This year we want to give up 1,000 new seats, 580 have already returned,” – he said. “We are preparing special programs to encourage this to nurseries were built also by private entrepreneurs because we realize that these places in nurseries public is not enough. We will from September to pay extra to thousands of places in private crèches and we will all the time to stimulate the development of places in nurseries, so that this program of free childcare increasingly expanded and included the largest number of Warsaw “- he said. He referred to the expansion of metro network in the capital. “We started planning work” – said the president of the capital. “It will be ready in a few days, concerning the analysis of the second metro line extensions, including analyzes of additional cases on the underground line, and finally prepare multivariant to the third metro line” – he said. “Just as I announced – this term will be finished and eventually expanded the second line and prepare to implement the third metro line and we’ll be ready for it because after all, will soon change to the government and will certainly take care of it, that was money not only from the city budget, but mainly European money on this extremely important investment, even if the government does not want to help this government, which still will be with us for a few months, absolutely deal with this matter can handle, “- he said. Trzaskowski also spoke about the promises he made during the election campaign, and which included among its priorities. He mentioned, among others, fight smog and reminded that the city bought for two municipal police drones for control of ovens and stoves comprehensive exchange program with simplified procedures. He also mentioned the signing of the card LGBT +. “This is a clear signal that Warsaw will be an open city, the city will be tolerant,” – he said. Mayor of Warsaw was asked also about rebuilding the Skra stadium, which was announced by him in the election campaign. “We regret that for 20 years the stadium is devastated. It takes legal battle – at a time when it will take over preparing the plans, we were looking for an investor. It is difficult at this time to find an investor, when the stadium was not transferred to the city” – he said. “Certainly for five years where we make the investment. Of course, this is difficult to do in the first 100 days,” – he said and announced that the Spark certainly will look different than today. Warsaw PiS councilor Sebastian Kaleta estimated that the conference Trzaskowski was full of “empty promises”. “Rafał Trzaskowski departs from its promises. Do not implement them, as promised. It shows that these are empty promises – as it always is with the Civic Platform” – he said. He also noted that Trzaskowski did not address the key promises he made. “He promised that all of Warsaw will have a free day nurseries. He admitted at the conference that this will not be achieved. It is as if we have 500 plus + program addressed to residents of one province and not to all Poles” – he said. Kaleta admitted that he still has not been implemented program of 100 zł for each student, and the construction of the ring road was postponed for the next few years. “Rafał Trzaskowski makes decisions about different wording than in the election campaign and instead pursue the major social projects and investment to the rank of the most important unfulfilled promises grows with the signing of the card LGBT +” – said the councilor. In the case of the UK exit from the European Union likely able to carry out in Scotland a second plebiscite on the country’s separation from the rest of the United Kingdom – Sturgeon announced. The first such referendum was held in 2014 and ended with the victory of supporters of political behavior. June 23 Britons will vote in a referendum, which will decide whether their country is to be in the EU or leave it. Recent polls suggest a slight advantage Brexitu supporters and it is a “warning signal” – Sturgeon.Z assessed public opinion polls show that the vast majority of Scots want to vote in favor of the United Kingdom staying in the EU. Agency dpa notes, however, that they constitute less than 10 percent. British experts ludności.Zdaniem Scots pro-EU attitude is partly a political calculation supporters of Scottish independence – they assume that a small Scotland after the secession from Britain in the EU would have a greater chance of survival without a powerful England side. (PAP) Szczerski on Monday at a press conference at which he presented the program of the upcoming visit of President Andrew Duda in the United States, he pointed out that it contains a political component. “We have completed talks between the Polish and the US about increasing the US military presence in Poland” – said Szczerski, indicating that the talks were conducted primarily by the Defense Ministry and the Pentagon, in cooperation with experts and representatives of the presidents of both countries. “These talks have accelerated as a result of the political will of both presidents to end the conversation quickly,” – he stressed. Szczerski noted, however, that the end of the talks does not mean the end of the decision-making process. “We have completed the negotiations by the two ministries (defense) with the participation of experts and representatives of both presidents. Now, instead, the decision is already our heads, presidents of both countries, on whether this is the outcome of the negotiations satisfactory for them” – said presidential minister. He added that the agreement contains two elements – a general political declaration, stating the nature of mutual allied commitments and guarantees, “which itself within the frame of the system NATO’s, in the framework of a common concern for the security of the entire pact, our part of the pact, the eastern flank” . The second part of the agreement – as pointed out – is very detailed and “includes components of what the president called briefly during a recent visit to the US Fortem Trump.” “All components of an increased military presence in this agreement are included, it therefore contains a provision at Fort Trump, it contains ingredients that increased presence” – he said. “This presence will be increased both qualitatively and quantitatively,” – he stressed Szczerski. We are celebrating the 10th anniversary and it is a good time for reflection. We assess positively the program that closer, allowed to maintain contacts with these countries. It homework market also supported these countries in maintaining their political sovereignty, development of trade, economic modernization. Of course, this is not a maximum, but in these conditions that exist, some geopolitical pressure on these countries from Russia, it is a positive and useful program so far. We want to strengthen it in the future – he stressed. He added that his proposal, which was supported by the representatives of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries and the EU, among others concerned “Strengthening the transposition, approximation of law in the partner countries.” He explained that the idea is that these countries can operate in trade with the EU. “The second issue is the institutionalization and the third sector cooperation. We would like to expand cooperation with these countries in various sectors, such as energy, the issue of chemical safety, youth cooperation, Erasmus Program. These are new areas where we can develop co-operation “- the head of Polish diplomacy. Czaputowicz announced that the meeting of ministers surrendered into consideration the possibility of inviting the meeting of the representatives of the partner countries to strengthen them. In terms of institutionalization, is – as he said – could it set up the appointment in Brussels secretariat, which would be delegated diplomatic representatives of six countries included in the PM. the second proposal is – as he said – the creation of the Presidency in the framework of the Eastern Partnership. “this presidency could maintain contact with the Presidency of the EU (…) establish some political programs. Finally, regular meetings in the partner countries at the summit, demonstrating that serve and support these countries in supporting the political process. Is a set of concrete proposals which could be taken into account, “- he stressed. The Eastern Partnership is to deepen political ties and economic integration of the EU and the six countries of Eastern Europe and the Southern Caucasus: Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. From Brussels Lukasz Osinski (PAP) At the end of October last year Social Construction of Monuments Committee announced the results of the competition for the construction of monuments: Lech Kaczynski and Smolensk Tragedy Victims who have to stand in close proximity to the Presidential Palace. Sasin said then that the committee wants “to monuments commemorating the victims of the Smolensk air crash were ready on April 10, 2018 year.” Sasin was asked on television on Friday when and where you will monuments commemorating the Smolensk catastrophe. “In the coming days the committee will announce our new social location of these types of monuments,” – said Sasin, who is a member of the social committee. “We have to apply for administrative decisions to make at least part of the work before 10 April.


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